Borned in Jakarta, 16 February 1989 Zevinna Letisha Siregar is a new comer for Indonesian Celebrities (welcome to showbiz!!!). Come to Putri Indoneisa Contest as Jakarta embrassador and Elected as the Putri Indonnesia 2008 beat Ayu Diandra Sari from Bali Islands and Anggie Mahesti from Jogjakarta.

Zivinna Letisha Siregar or also can we called as Zizi, the girl who like modelling get the crown of Miss Indoneisa pageant from Putri Raemawasti. The girl who studying in Economic Faculty of Indonesian University is 2007 generation in her university.

Zivanna Letisha Siregar

Contest that Zivanna Letisha Siregar (zizi) Wins:

  • Elite Model Look in 2006
  • Putri Indonesia in 2008


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